EP 18
To feed or not to feed the machine? In this captivating podcast episode, Miss Marilyn and Wicked Wren engage in a candid conversation that spans various aspects of their lives, beyond the realm of sex work and social media.

Miss Marilyn is a kink veteran and beloved character amongst the UK community online. For over a decade she has worked as a Dominatrix, sessioning in various parts of the world and loving every minute of it. A champion of sex education and communication, Miss Marilyn is a passionate vegan, writer and artist (as well as a seasoned pervert). After hearing how few service providers are able to offer women a safe, positive experience within the kink community, she now only works with femme-identifying individuals. A prolific social media user, Marilyn uses her platform to share information and give advice to fellow perverts in distress!
Wicked Wren [00:00:19] Hello and welcome to the Shibari Study podcast. Today, I have on my friend Star. You'll know as Miss Marilyn. She's an artist, a (…), and a personal muse of mine. So welcome to the podcast. First thing, I'd like to say is congratulations on the Barbie movie. I know it's probably a big deal to you.
Miss Marilyn [00:00:40] Thank you so much. And thank you for finding the time to have me. Sorry, I forgot. I'm Australian. Thank you so much for having me. I was only – obviously, we weren't really English there. I can't remember what an Australian sounds like. I was only available for a short time between the premiers and you managed to accommodate me. So thank you so much and I really hope that you enjoy the film when you see it.
Wicked Wren [00:01:09] Wow. Shockingly good to me. I mean, how many accents can you do? Can you do a lot? Do American. Do it. Do how I sound.
Miss Marilyn [00:01:19] What? This is how you sound. You kind of sound like, you're not really bothered about what people think. And like, you know, Where are you from in America?
Wicked Wren [00:01:31] I'm from New Orleans originally, but I have purposely lost the accent because I didn't want the twang. I put the G's on the ends of words instead so being like goin', fixin', you know, things like.
Miss Marilyn [00:01:45] Okay.
Wicked Wren [00:01:46] So I put the G's on the ends of my words. I kind of and also I was a big mumbler. I was a big kind of teetering-off in statements person. So it was like, I'd be like, So how are you gonna (inaudible)?
Miss Marilyn [00:01:58] Yeah. That's (…) annoying.
Wicked Wren [00:01:59] It is. It is, is difficult. And it is not good for communicating. So I'll put those on there because I wanted people to think that I was –
Miss Marilyn [00:02:08] Well, I would never have been able to guess that you were from New Orleans.
Wicked Wren [00:02:12] New Orleans. Well, it's so funny because I feel like a New Orleans accent, it's kind of like you have, like, marbles in your mouth and it's just kind of like (inaudible)
Miss Marilyn [00:02:26] Okay, like (inaudible).
Wicked Wren [00:02:29] Well, it makes sense that you got accents. You probably studied it in your acting training.
Miss Marilyn [00:02:33] I did.
Wicked Wren [00:02:34] Okay, I'm gonna let this joke go now. For people who don't know, Star looks a lot like Margot Robbie, who is just in the movie. Anyway –
Miss Marilyn [00:02:46] Not so much anymore. Not so much anymore. Because she has lost loads of weight to be Barbie.
Wicked Wren [00:02:52] Mhm.
Miss Marilyn [00:02:53] So her face is kind of like – I think I don't personally see it, but I see it more before Barbie than now because I'm seeing her now and she's very, very svelte but obviously she's been Barbie and Barbie is that.
Wicked Wren [00:03:07] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:03:08] So I understand but...
Wicked Wren [00:03:11] Do you think that she would be a good (…)?
Miss Marilyn [00:03:15] I think, I think she'd be good at anything that she put her hand to.
Wicked Wren [00:03:19] What a great (inaudible).
Miss Marilyn [00:03:19] We've got mutual friends. That's why I'm really hoping to meet her at some point.
Wicked Wren [00:03:24] We're going to start a petition or something like that.
Miss Marilyn [00:03:28] Absolutely. Well, the thing is, I said to our mutual friend because he said he saw the reel that I posted yesterday about the fact that I'm not Margot Robbie, but we have both shown our (…) to Leonardo DiCaprio. And he messaged me saying like, Oh, I'm going to show her this tomorrow because obviously she's in London now. And I said, Let her know that she's got first dibs for playing me when they eventual make movie about my life.
Wicked Wren [00:03:53] The star biopic, love it. How did you become a (…)? Like what was that like?
Miss Marilyn [00:04:01] So everyone's heard the story, but it was actually my dad. He told me to do it.
Wicked Wren [00:04:06] What?
Miss Marilyn [00:04:07] Not in like a, not in like, sorta...
Wicked Wren [00:04:11] Weird way?
Miss Marilyn [00:04:11] Yeah, yeah, yeah. So basically, I wanted to be an actress. So after I left school, I studied acting at school, and then I went to study acting kind of full-time. And after that, we've got these places over here called, like the London Dungeon and the Edinburgh Dungeon. And basically, it's like a tour, but all along the tour are unique, kind of like historical figures. So I worked there for a while as a cannibal from Scottish History called... Basically, it was Sawney Bean, he's a really famous Scottish cannibal legends, and I was one of those kids, as like incestuous kids, which obviously suits me.
Wicked Wren [00:04:56] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:04:57] Cos I'm so mad at (…). But not real (…). The rhetorical. So yeah, basically, I kind of just, I didn't really know what I was doing with myself. I had loads of interests, but they were all kind of things that were really hard to get into. And the thing is, by the time I was 18, I had loads of tattoos and I don't know if you know this, but it's really hard to get into acting if you've got tattoos because obviously you're not a blank slate.
Wicked Wren [00:05:23] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:05:23] Except for Angelina Jolie, because she's Angelina Jolie and they're happy to cover it up, but I'm nobody. So I was a bit (…). Anyway, my dad kind of said, Have you ever thought about becoming a (…)? And I was like, No. This is actually when I was 16 and I didn't, I didn't really know what a (…) was apart from kind of like in my head, it was just like catwoman.
Wicked Wren [00:05:47] Yeah. Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:05:48] I mean, that's all I knew. And so I googled it, and I googled Edinburgh (…), and there was only, like, two people came up. Neither of them are really like, what I had in mind. I got in touch with them, and one of them never got back to me. One of them told me get lost, basically. But I was 16 years old and so fair enough. And then it kind of just stayed in the back of my head until one day, just by chance, a new (…) boutique was opening in town. And I went along and kind of had to off with it with the owner of the shop, and it turned out to be Mistress Inka. And she basically said, Hey, do you want to be a (…)? And I was like, Yeah? And then the next thing I know, I got a text being like, Hi. Be at my flat for 12. We've got a (…) booking. And I had nothing. Like I had no clothes, no clue. Like, I didn't even know really what (…) was at the time. So I was like, I was 19 at this point. So I had to go into town like 2 hours before 12 to buy clothes. I thought like a (…) would wear. And I took my friend Cara, and we were like, What shoes do we buy? What's my look? Like what, I hadn't even, like, had a name or anything yet. And then I literally, I went that day and I worked every day after that for like six months.
Wicked Wren [00:07:15] Holy cow. That's incredible. I have so many questions. I mean, I think my first one is that most people's relationship with their parents is not cool and they don't like that they're (…) workers. It's incredible that your dad, like, encouraged you to do that.
Miss Marilyn [00:07:32] Well, here's the thing, right? My dad didn't really know what it entailed.
Wicked Wren [00:07:38] Okay. Okay.
Miss Marilyn [00:07:40] So obviously, he knew it was (…) work. But throughout my journey doing (…) work, he's going to hear about the stuff that I do at work. And he's like, Oh, my God. I think he very much thought it was just like spank and guys and that's it.
Wicked Wren [00:07:52] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:07:54] He actually, he told me to do it because he's a builder and he's always wanted to make (…) furniture. So that's why he kind of said, Look, why don't you be a (…)? And if you open a dungeon, I'll make your furniture. So that was kind of where he was coming from. Not like, Be a (…) because you're really (…). I mean maybe he thought as well, but that's not what he said.
Wicked Wren [00:08:14] Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:08:17] So yeah, that's that. That's the origin. That's just, it was, it was all down to my dad. That's how it put in my head. I think if he hadn't said it to me when I was 16, it's not something that I would ever have thought about. Because it's just not... It's... Especially back then, obviously, (…) work is kind of more prevalent in society now, but back then, like 11 years ago, it was really, really underground, like there wasn't... Like although Twitter existed, there was no kind of Instagram. There's nothing like that. So I just, it's not something that I would have come across naturally at that point in my life. Unless, you know, my dad had said it. So I don't think it would have ever happened if it hadn't been for my dad saying it.
Wicked Wren [00:09:00] It's so cool. It's so humanizing, hearing him say that. Because he just said it like any other profession, like you should be a doctor. You should be a (…).
Miss Marilyn [00:09:08] Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And like, there was never... I'm so privileged in that I actually grew up really Catholic. And you said, you know, people's relationship with their parents, like their parents aren't cool with them being (…) workers. And it was actually a weird conversation because we never chatted about (…) in my house at all. And I remember telling my mom like, Ih, I've lost my virginity. And she, like, reacted so badly I had to pretend it was a joke. I was like, Aha, I got you. And then all of a sudden my dad was like, You should be a (…). But when he said, You should be a (…), for the next few years, I also thought it was very much just like you spank guys and that's it. I didn't know about like animal plays, (…), like (…), like dog. And I didn't know any of that. So I like, I didn't have a realistic idea of it at all until I actually started doing it. And I actually, there's a story. She'll probably kill me for telling you but the very first session that we had and she had water sports at the end and I had like no clue what water sports was. I was 19 years old. Obviously, I've had a lot of (…) at that point but nothing like, nothing mad. So anyway, she (…) on the guy at the end in her shower tray. And I'm, I'm staring at his (…), right? And I'm staring at his (…). And then like, weirdly, like (…) starts to come out of his (…). And I'm like, Oh, my God, what is going on? What the (…) is happening? But I'm like, Try to stay cool because obviously, like, I'm at my (…) job, so I don't really say anything. And then this guy starts like panicking and like sitting in the shower tray and then Inka just like, gets off him and she says, Oh, I'm so sorry. I was so sure I put a tampon in and I was like...
Wicked Wren [00:11:05] Wow.
Miss Marilyn [00:11:05] I was just, I was just like, (…). Like this is mad. And she asked me, she asked me to (…) on him after.
Wicked Wren [00:11:13] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:11:15] He really wanted, this guy really wanted me to (…) on him and I couldn't go. Like in my head, it was just that like...
Wicked Wren [00:11:22] Totally.
Miss Marilyn [00:11:23] Oh, you do not, you do not like (…) in public in front of like someone. Not like I wasn't, I didn't have any shame or, like, negativity about it. It was just like my body was like, No.
Wicked Wren [00:11:34] Yeah, totally. Your body just shut off.
Miss Marilyn [00:11:35] You don't (…) on someone. We cannot (…) right now.
Miss Marilyn [00:11:40] So did she know that you were, like, really out of your element and, like, didn't know any of the stuff? Or were you trying to hide those things from her?
Miss Marilyn [00:11:48] So weirdly enough like... She's a wee bit older than me and she had been like really (…) in our relationships and stuff. But it was funny when I first started working as a (…), we would spend like hours and hours just sitting on (…) sites like watching loads of videos of stuff that we didn't know about. And I remember like sitting next to her having a glass of wine and we were watching videos of like (…). And the first one we watched was a guy who actually split his whole c(…) in half doing it. And we were like... What the (…) is this? And there was actually a guy, there was a video, do you know that like one man, one jar video?
Wicked Wren [00:12:30] Oh, yeah,.
Miss Marilyn [00:12:31] Yeah, yeah. Of course. There was also another video and it was called like kid in the sandbox. And it was just a guy like (…) his urethra with, like, the handle end of a screwdriver.
Wicked Wren [00:12:43] Really, really classic move there.
Miss Marilyn [00:12:45] Yeah. And it was like one of the first things I seen is sounding and I had no idea what sounding was. And again, like this was 11 years ago. So, like, even the Internet in general, like, although the information was there, it was like, really, boiled down.
Wicked Wren [00:13:00] Yes, totally.
Miss Marilyn [00:13:01] So like all these terms and stuff, like. Oh, it was an education.
Wicked Wren [00:13:06] How did you feel when you saw that? I mean, you saw like soundings type of stuff at first. Like what did you think?
Miss Marilyn [00:13:11] I was so shocked. I was, I was, I was so shocked.
Wicked Wren [00:13:14] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:13:14] Not disgusted or anything. I was just like, what the heck is going on? Like the handle of a screw driver. Like it wasn't a small screwdriver. It wasn't like a little travel screwdriver. It was like a proper (…) screwdriver.
Wicked Wren [00:13:28] There were no like babies for a screwdriver here. Like we're doing serious work with this.
Miss Marilyn [00:13:31] Oh, heck, yeah. I mean, like, I can just remember just sitting at the computer screen, just kind of like, Oh, my God. Oh my god, no, no. And then seeing obviously that guys split (…). Cos he got so much that he split the top of it. And then he got off on like the body modification side of it. And honestly, my mind was blown. Like the amount of stuff that I just, I kind of just immersed myself for the first two years that I was doing it. I read everything I could. I watched everything I could. And I was I just like, spent my days, like, with my mind absolutely blown. Yeah, because like, you know, at 19, you think you know everything, right? You say, you know everything about (…).
Wicked Wren [00:14:11] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:14:13] And I just had my butt handed to me. Like from day one. I was like, I know nothing about this stuff. And neither do you, Dad.
Wicked Wren [00:14:21] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:14:22] At least, I hope not. You bloody (…).
Wicked Wren [00:14:26] Do you and your dad like joke about this now? Like, is it...?
Wicked Wren [00:14:30] Yeah, we do actually. We didn't in the first few years, I think he was like, Oh, my God, what have I done? Like my litte girl, my little girl is like, penetrating men in their butt every day. Like, what was I thinking? And now, yeah, we joke about it loads. Loads and loads.
Wicked Wren [00:14:48] All right, my other question is to go back a little bit was you said you went out and you're like, you went with your friend. You're like, What does a (…) wear? I need to get something. I'm just curious what you got? Like, what was like the thing in your head where you're like, This will work.
Miss Marilyn [00:15:06] Oh, right. So basically, I don't know if you know it, but we've got this, like, really tacky, like, like franchise of (…) shops over here that are called like Ann Summers.
Wicked Wren [00:15:15] Okay, I do not know.
Miss Marilyn [00:15:18] So basically, like, I don't know the American equivalent, but basically, I went into Ann Summers and obviously, 50 Shades of Gray was like... This was years before 50 Shades of gray. So none of these had like none of the PVC, none of the like the ties, none of the handcuffs, nothing. So there was like, I was like, Oh damn, I'm just going to need to buy something black and shiny. And I couldn't really find anything. And I ended up, I ended up finding this like black PVC minidress and they're at the like bargain bin at the back. But it was, it was like, honestly, like five sizes too big for me. So I needed to, like, wrap it around myself and then like safety-pin at the back. And I also, like, bought a pair of like really horrible black patent, like Mary Jane shoes.
Wicked Wren [00:16:06] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:16:06] And then I went to, like, this very, like, basic old woman shop. And I bought like, this, like a black velvet dress. I had no clue. I had no clue.
Wicked Wren [00:16:19] I love it. So how long did it take you to kind of find your style? Because you're like, a really funny person. Like, I like, I feel like humor probably influences a lot of your sessions and things like that.
Miss Marilyn [00:16:32] Yeah, well, it didn't, I didn't used to. I used to, I don't know if you know this, but for I think about six years, I used the fake accent for work, but like, I mean, double down. I mean everything. Like if I was at an event, if I did a podcast, if I met anyone in the industry, I did this like 24/7 accent and I did it in every session. And then all of a sudden I got asked to like, compare an event over here in Manchester and I was up, I was up on the thing being like, And next, we're going to have the sub games. And but then, I like drank too much and I kept going from like the accent to my real accent and people were starting to get really confused.
Wicked Wren [00:17:18] I love it.
Miss Marilyn [00:17:20] And then I was like, Damn, I've ruined it. Like, I've just absolutely ruined it.
Wicked Wren [00:17:24] How many years did you do this?
Miss Marilyn [00:17:27] So I did the accent solidly for six years.
Wicked Wren [00:17:31] Amazing.
Miss Marilyn [00:17:33] There was a, there was a point in time, I was in the dungeon with a client who'd been like my client for like four years. And he had only ever heard me speak like this, you pathetic little (…). And then, there was a girl. Like this mad girl who also used the dungeon. And she like kicked the door in during the session. And I went from talking like this to being like, Get the heck outta here. Why you do it? And she left. And he was like, What happened to your voice? And I didn't know that my voice had changed. And I was like, Oh, my God. What do you mean what happened to my voice?
Wicked Wren [00:18:19] So like, Why did you do that accent in the beginning? Like, what kind of brought that on? I guess is the question.
Miss Marilyn [00:18:29] So I, like I've done a few, I think I've done like two or three sessions in my normal accent at the very beginning. And then I'd done some full line work and one of like my phone lines was like, (…), private schoolgirl.
Wicked Wren [00:18:44] Oh, my God.
Miss Marilyn [00:18:45] And every time I did the phone line, I would put on the accent and it had such a massive like... Just everyone I spoke to loved it so much. They thought it was so (…). So I was like, Right. Screw it. That will be my whole thing then. I'll just be like, (…), like posh private English schoolgirl. And that's what I went with for years until I got too drunk and everyone thought I was Scottish.
Wicked Wren [00:19:08] And then you were like screw it. Were you kind of happy that people found out that like, and you didn't have to do it? Like, was there any of that kind of like...?
Miss Marilyn [00:19:14] I enjoyed it.
Wicked Wren [00:19:15] Okay.
Miss Marilyn [00:19:15] It was actually, you know, it was actually a lot easier to do my job because it was like putting on a character.
Wicked Wren [00:19:22] Yeah, yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:19:24] And I also never used to use humor a lot in my sessions at all. It was very strict. Like business.
Wicked Wren [00:19:30] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:19:31] Business (…). Like bad (…). And then all of a sudden, I had my own voice and I was like, Oh damn, it's me doing these sessions and I'm not this, this girl.
Wicked Wren [00:19:44] Yeah, totally. I feel like that is something weird because, like, nobody in (…) is, like, themselves, really. Like, there's personas. And I feel like the more stuff you start to do, like, the more like it gets confused with, like, this, like kind of fake person and a real person. But you do...
Miss Marilyn [00:20:02] But oh my god, it's so much easier.
Wicked Wren [00:20:03] Yeah, I bet. I mean, were you doing art as well? Like painting and things like that?
Miss Marilyn [00:20:08] No, nothing like that at all. I worked. I didn't do anything else at all. I dormed full-time for about like seven, eight years. And then I started to do kind of other bits on the side here and there. And so it was just, I was just canked 24/7. But yeah, I think as well because of the acting background like I...It was just like a client was common. So like, when the door would knock, the act would start. Do you know what I mean? Like...
Wicked Wren [00:20:40] Oh, yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:20:41] It was just like, Right. This is the scene. Whereas when my own voice came out, I was like, really nervous because I was like, Oh damn, it's me now. Like, this isn't an act. This is actually me. Like, this is who they're getting. Oh, no.
Wicked Wren [00:20:54] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:20:54] I don't know if I am able to do this. Like Marilyn is a different person.
Wicked Wren [00:20:59] Yeah. Wow. I mean, it's like, it's like, it's pretty hard to like, I don't know, separate the two.
Miss Marilyn [00:21:07] It was really it was really interesting.
Wicked Wren [00:21:08] I do have a question kind of moving forward in the timeline. I feel like this podcast is all for me because I'm just curious about like...
Miss Marilyn [00:21:17] Listen, that's totally fine.
Wicked Wren [00:21:20] Shibari Study pays for this podcast so I feel like we should talk about rope bondage for a moment.
Miss Marilyn [00:21:24] Yes.
Wicked Wren [00:21:25] Have you used it? Do you like it?
Miss Marilyn [00:21:28] I love it. I love it so much. I don't know anywhere near as much as I used to. I used to use it all the time. I did a lot of like, what's the word... Predicament bondage with it.
Wicked Wren [00:21:40] Mm, yes.
Miss Marilyn [00:21:41] Absolute favorite. Absolutely favorite.
Wicked Wren [00:21:43] Me too.
Miss Marilyn [00:21:44] And I learned shibari quite heavily for the first few years of (…) and then kind of moved away from it and kind of forgot it. And there's been a few times I've kind of like went back into it quite seriously and started learning again. But I think especially where I live, there's really not a very good rope scene.
Wicked Wren [00:22:04] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:22:05] So it's so difficult. But with Shibari Study, I've actually, I've been subscribed to Shibari Study quite a few times and had great fun like doing the tutorials and stuff. But again it's just, it's just very complicated when you get to a certain level.
Wicked Wren [00:22:23] It's a lot of work.
Miss Marilyn [00:22:23] Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Wicked Wren [00:22:25] Did you have in the beginning, like, did you have clients asking for rope bondage or..?
Miss Marilyn [00:22:32] Yeah, I did. And there was one guy who used to like drive for like 4 hours for like a 5 hour session and it was just like really heavy rope bondage.
Wicked Wren [00:22:42] Gotcha.
Miss Marilyn [00:22:43] And it was kind of down to him that I learned a lot of that for, to be honest. But yeah, absolutely. I think as well there's like a, there's kind of like a newfound reason for bondage, though. Because it's just like, it's almost like therapy for a lot of people. Like, people just get that, you know, that sub high and, you know, when they're feeling really stressed or their life is not going so great. They want to be tied because that's kind of like their absolute chills on. That's where they feel at peace and I totally understand that.
Wicked Wren [00:23:18] If you're doing like a 4 to 5 hour session with somebody and you have the accent on and you're doing, you're doing the character, how are you structuring that time? Like, obviously there's got to be some a little break, a little downtime in the middle, something like that. Are you just kind of leaving in like or are you just on the entire time? Like, how are you?
Miss Marilyn [00:23:39] So I, so I wasn't on the entire time because – so basically I would like put him into a position and then leave him there for a bit. And then I would like go through, make a cup of tea. I'd come back through and say like, How you holding up? And then give them like a poke or whatever or a little swing, you know, and then maybe change something. Or I'd say to him, you know, How are your wrists feeling? How are your hands? Could you move them? Blah, blah, blah, all that kind of stuff. So safety wise, just check and then maybe leave him. You know, depends on what position it was, but yeah, not on all the time, but most of the time, and especially because he enjoyed being (…). So there was absolutely no interaction. So sometimes it depends on who it was with. That guy was okay. But there was definitely some people who came for like three or 4 hours and they enjoyed being (…) the whole time and they wouldn't speak. So by the end of it, I would feel so exhausted because it was like a four hour monologue.
Wicked Wren [00:24:41] Yes, yes. With like, no input, no like...
Miss Marilyn [00:24:44] No interaction at all. And I am... Like, I can do that, but I like back and forth, you know. Like I think the hottest thing of a session is being able to ask them questions and then telling you stuff like, if I'm just, if I've just got nothing. I think everyone – well I don't know about everyone, but like most of the people I've spoke to, the ultimate nightmare client is just like the closed book. Like no sound. If you ask them, if you ask them a question, they'll just be like, Yes, mistress. But like, apart from that, like just dead silent and absolutely expressionless, like the amount of times I've probably went too far on a client just because I'm like see. Damn I'm so annoyed.
Wicked Wren [00:25:29] Yeah. Do you think that people are nervous or do you think that they just, like, that's just their thing? Like, what do you. What do you think that is?
Miss Marilyn [00:25:37] I think some of that, some of them have to be nervous. But like other people is definitely just their thing. Because I had a client and for two hours once and a few years ago and I left the session feeling so bad because I was like, he hated me. Like he answered the questions, but like, never a grunt of pleasure or struggle. Nothing. Like, I mean, not a peep. And I left the session and I just felt so bad. My confidence was so knocked. I was like, that went really badly. That session went really badly. I feel terrible. And he came back to me for years and not once did I ever hear a grunt. And every single time he visited me, I hated it. Because I was just like, Oh, here we go again. Just pure silence. And even at the end I would try and speak to him because usually, like, I'd give them a glass of water and I'd say, you know, how is that for you? How you feeling? You want to travel home, all that kind of stuff. And he would just be like, Yeah, it was fine. Okay.
Wicked Wren [00:26:39] C'mon guy. I need more than that.
Miss Marilyn [00:26:41] Nightmare.
Wicked Wren [00:26:42] Yeah, that kind of sucks. You know, it's like, I don't know. Say something. Give me something to make fun of, right? I don't know. So getting into, like, covid times. How has that changed (…) work for you? Has that, you know, has it impacted stuff? I guess.
Miss Marilyn [00:27:06] Ugh. I'd say about a year, a year and a bit before covid, I kind of started to focus online. And that was purely because I lived somewhere that didn't really have access to a dungeon. And it was like loads of travel time to get to a dungeon. So I kind of had to still make money doing (…) work. But I moved online. I was also seeing a lot of people make a ton of money online, so I was like, Hey, I want to slice it up.
Wicked Wren [00:27:37] I could do it.
Miss Marilyn [00:27:39] Not that I ever got it. But so, yeah, the pandemic rolled around. I don't know about over there, but over here, there's like, business is booming for online content. I think because nobody could work. Everyone was just sitting at home having a good time. So I'd honestly say the first three months of lockdown over here were my best earning months online, at least.
Wicked Wren [00:28:03] Wow. Wow.
Miss Marilyn [00:28:05] So, yeah, not bad. But like I started, I think that's when I started to really hate (…) work was during the pandemic. Because it was all online. But not only that, because business was booming and because so many people found themselves going to (…) work because they couldn't make money at their normal job, because they weren't allowed to work. The amount of content that you needed to churn out to keep up with everyone else was insane. Like, and this was this was like, sustained. This wasn't like, you could do it for a month and then take a break. Because you needed to just keep up and keep it up and someone else would be doing more for cheaper. And it was just never-ending. It was awful.
Wicked Wren [00:28:50] Yeah. Yeah. It's like, it's a, you have to keep feeding the machine.
Miss Marilyn [00:28:55] And it has remained terrible.
Wicked Wren [00:28:58] Yeah. It really sucks. And I'm kind of at this point where I fed the machine for a while and now I hate –.
Miss Marilyn [00:29:05] I hate the machine. Damn the machine.
Wicked Wren [00:29:07] I don't like the machine. I don't. But...
Miss Marilyn [00:29:10] Nobody likes the machine but we're all slaves to the machine.
Wicked Wren [00:29:13] I was about to say, –.
Miss Marilyn [00:29:14] Have you seen the Four Chambers film?
Wicked Wren [00:29:16] No, I should.
Miss Marilyn [00:29:18] No, the... I've got a monologue and the Four Chambers film and it's 'I am the Machine'. So I'm like, Damn the machine. But I'm like, Oh, damn. I am also the machine.
Wicked Wren [00:29:27] Yeah, you are.
Miss Marilyn [00:29:28] But yeah, I've...
Wicked Wren [00:29:30] Everyone is in a D/s thing with the machine.
Miss Marilyn [00:29:32] Yeah, but it's a shame because I kind of fell in love with (…) work, but it was just because I think I started doing it in such, like, a good time to start doing it.
Wicked Wren [00:29:44] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:29:44] Because all OF didn't exist. Like there was no subscription platforms at all when I started (…) work and it was all in person and it was all really intimate. And very, very cool. And just yeah, I just, I know. I'm like, Damn. So I need to be a (…) and an OF girl? Like cool.
Wicked Wren [00:30:07] And the thing about being like an OF girl is like, it's not just an OF girl. That's 10% of it. Everything else is like getting people in. Like, your entire existence becomes monetized. It turns into a funnel, like –
Miss Marilyn [00:30:24] Oh, it's horrendous. It's horrendous.
Wicked Wren [00:30:27] Yeah, it's, like I feel like it has like really big impact on stuff and it sucks. It's made social media not fun. It's made, like it's made me like second guess all these other endeavors I want to do because, you know, like post on social and things like that. Bomb. When it's not just standing there in front of a mirror, you know.
Miss Marilyn [00:30:49] Well, that's the thing. Like I, even what we're saying about the pandemic. Because of the pandemic, I had no choice but to be on OF constantly and social media. By the time that we were allowed to work in person again, I lost all my confidence to work in person again because it had been so long since had actually done someone in person. And as for like the social media aspect of it, I think. Especially when you've done (…) work online. You have it so ingrained in your head that no matter what you go on to do, whether it's like a new business doing anything at all, whether you do like nails, art or even like landscaping. You need to be successful on social media. And that's not true. And the disgusting thing is right, see if I post something and it gets like 137 likes. I delete it because I'm like, Oh my God, it's flopped. My post has flopped.
Wicked Wren [00:31:44] Yeah. Yeah. I mean...
Miss Marilyn [00:31:47] I worried about being cool. How uncool is that? I'm the uncoolest guys in the world. But it's like, Oh my God, my selfies only got 500 likes and my last one got 1000. Damn it.
Wicked Wren [00:31:57] I know. It's not good for our brains. It's just like –
Miss Marilyn [00:32:02] No, no. God's sake. Jeez.
Wicked Wren [00:32:04] I've been calling like Instagram and all these things like (…) machines because that's all they are. It's like the most like (…) up thing in the world, but there's like no (…) allowed on it and it sucks. It's like, so when you're scrolling, it's constantly just (…) being like, shoved at you or it's like an ad for a mattress. And that is not good for the brain.
Miss Marilyn [00:32:30] No.
Wicked Wren [00:32:30] Okay, you said something. You said that it's, your, how uncool is it ever to be worried about likes, whatever, whatever. Okay. You posted a reel and it hit me so hard.
Miss Marilyn [00:32:45] Many of us.
Wicked Wren [00:32:45] I know it did. It was about Ralph. And your painting. And Ralph is... Remind me the creature that Ralph is, I forget. A mouse? A Rabbit? I think it was...
Miss Marilyn [00:32:55] No, it was lamb, Wren. I'm glad it made such a great impression on you.
Wicked Wren [00:33:01] Everyone. I'm so sorry. I apologize. Ralph is a lamb. You were painting, and you had those monologues behind it where you said that you're scared to say that you're not a (…). Because it's not a cool. Because it's cool to say that you're a (…), and everyone's like, Oh, my God, you're a (…). What's your crazy story? You know, and it is like, and I feel that, too. So, so much. With just like general things. It's like, I want to maintain –
Miss Marilyn [00:33:30] Oh, it's crushing me. It's honestly, it's crushing me.
Wicked Wren [00:33:35] And it's so funny because you're one of the coolest people I've ever seen. I'm like you're –
Miss Marilyn [00:33:40] Yeah, am I not, am I not cool because I'm like, you know, (…) for 11 years and I've got all the latex and I feel the parties.
Wicked Wren [00:33:49] I don't know. I mean, I guess. I guess I think you're cool because you're just like a funny person that, like, posts whatever you want to post. And I'm like, Oh, that's neat. But I do see what you're what you're saying because I feel the same thing, right? It's like, if I didn't do all, like, you know, post latex and things like that, people wouldn't want to follow me or whatever. But it also sucks because at this other podcast I do and my co-host, my friend Cam and I, we did a podcast in latex.
Miss Marilyn [00:34:18] Love Cam. Love Cam.
Wicked Wren [00:34:19] Yeah, he's great. And we did a podcast and we are in full body latex and that podcast crushed, but the other ones when we're just talking about how he hates –.
Miss Marilyn [00:34:29] Beans. Yeah, yeah.
Wicked Wren [00:34:30] Beans, whatever, has like a hundred likes. But then, you know, latex all podcast destroys and it's like –
Miss Marilyn [00:34:37] I know.
Wicked Wren [00:34:38] It's like...
Miss Marilyn [00:34:39] I know. And that's the thing. Because I actually had a, I had a conversation with my friend the other day and she was kind of complaining about someone else we know because someone else we know has like, her following has went through the roof and because of this. She's getting loads of brand deals and stuff and it's really amazing for her. So good. She obviously works really hard. But the thing is like and my friend said to me, like, but I know what I need to do to get followers. I just need to post me in latex constantly. And it's true. It's true. It gets you followers.
Wicked Wren [00:35:13] It is true.
Miss Marilyn [00:35:13] But that's not who I am.
Wicked Wren [00:35:15] I know. I know that. That's kind of how I feel. Like I know what's going to crush. I know it's going to do well, but I just don't give a damn. And I'm kind of at a point now where it makes me angry, so I don't want to do it. So I'm doing the opposite.
Miss Marilyn [00:35:29] Yeah, yeah. I'm the same. I'm the same. I've got a dilemma right now, right. I've got an event on the same day that Barbie comes out.
Wicked Wren [00:35:39] It's a big day for you.
Miss Marilyn [00:35:41] It's a huge day for me, okay.
Wicked Wren [00:35:43] I understand.
Miss Marilyn [00:35:44] And it's a cool, it's a cool, private, (…) event, okay? And I'm, I've been invited because of who I am. And I'm like, I have plans to go see Barbie with my best friend, and it's on the same day. And I was like, Oh, do I go? I said I was going, but then I was like, But I really want to go see Barbie with my best friend.
Wicked Wren [00:36:06] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:36:07] And then my head immediately went, Oh, but the party will look great on social media.
Wicked Wren [00:36:12] Yeah. Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:36:15] Done.
Wicked Wren [00:36:15] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:36:15] Die.
Wicked Wren [00:36:16] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:36:16] Spotless.
Wicked Wren [00:36:17] Shut up. Shut up.
Miss Marilyn [00:36:21] I mean, it's poisonous. It is poisonous.
Wicked Wren [00:36:26] It is bad. It is bad. Do you have any, like... Okay, so you're posting more of your art now. And it's awesome. And it's inspiring to me.
Miss Marilyn [00:36:37] It's just my, just my little animal.
Wicked Wren [00:36:39] It's from Ralph. Little lamb. How are you, like, did you –.
Miss Marilyn [00:36:43] Or mouse?
Wicked Wren [00:36:44] Hm?
Miss Marilyn [00:36:44] Or mouse? Or rabbit? According to you.
Wicked Wren [00:36:47] Everyone, not a rabbit but a lamb, okay. Do you have any, like, I don't know, like, new rules or like a, like a little mantra? Like what was, like, it seems like you made a decision. Am I wrong? I might be kind of putting this out there, but it seems like you're, like, screw it. I'm gonna do what I want to do. That's what it feels like.
Miss Marilyn [00:37:07] So I don't know if you, so I started painting a few years ago and I actually I don't know if you've seen them, but I did quite a lot of paintings of Cam in full latex.
Wicked Wren [00:37:19] Neat, I didn't. I should.
Miss Marilyn [00:37:20] Oh, You've not seen them yet. So basically I did loads of latex paintings and I'm very rarely very confident of anything. But these paintings are (…) hot, right? I have never seen anyone paint anything like this. So I put them out there and they got thousands and thousands of likes. Loads of people wanted to like, buy them, get prints, blah, blah, blah. And then I was like damn it. Because it's just another part of my life.
Wicked Wren [00:37:46] Yes.
Miss Marilyn [00:37:46] That's about the exact same damn thing.
Wicked Wren [00:37:50] Yes.
Miss Marilyn [00:37:51] And I need and what? I just need to keep painting latex every time I paint so I stay relevant like, screw this. And so I was like, I'm not going to paint latex anymore.
Wicked Wren [00:38:03] Yeah. Good.
Miss Marilyn [00:38:04] I'm going to paint a cat. Because I really like cats, and I don't care if nobody likes it.
Wicked Wren [00:38:10] Yeah, they're great.
Miss Marilyn [00:38:12] But the thing is I do care if people like it. That's it.
Wicked Wren [00:38:14] Yeah. We have to – everyone listening. If you like it, please go ahead and drop it a like, okay. Please comment.
Miss Marilyn [00:38:19] And then, I thought, I even thought, you know, Oh, God, how can I combine the two? Maybe I should start painting cats in latex. And then I was like, No, no, no. Because I get heat for that. Because it's (…) an animal. People will think I'm a furry. And unfortunately, furries are very stigmatized. There's also negative terms, you know, just that would also hurt the brand.
Wicked Wren [00:38:40] There's a lot going on here, you know.
Miss Marilyn [00:38:42] There is. There are a lot of things at play. And so, you know, but the thing is, I enjoy painting latex, but then I immediately felt pressure to paint more. Yeah. And that's just what turned me right off it. And the thing is, I buy new latex because I love latex and I put it on and I look good. But then I don't want to post a photo because I don't want to feed the damn machine.
Wicked Wren [00:39:09] That's how I feel. And like, screw the machine. I don't want to do this. Screw you, machine. But then I, but then I don't know if –
Miss Marilyn [00:39:15] But it also affects your income.
Wicked Wren [00:39:16] It does. But see, the weird thing about me is I'll put on an outfit, I'll look super cute. I'll go out and do something. I say to myself –
Miss Marilyn [00:39:24] You look super cute in every outfit.
Wicked Wren [00:39:25] Thank you so much.
Miss Marilyn [00:39:26] You're so welcome.
Wicked Wren [00:39:28] So I go out and I live my life. I order the coffee, I have fun in the world. Then I come home and I say to myself, Before I take off this outfit, wash my face, I should post a picture of my story. I should, I should document this. But then I say to myself, You know what? Screw you, I'm not going to do it. But then the weird thing is I feel like crap because I'm like, I missed this opportunity. And I think about all my friends that post constantly and I'm like, I want to be just like her. And it's just very difficult.
Miss Marilyn [00:39:59] There's so many things that go through your head. And I don't think people who – I've never been like a content creator in any facet, in any way whatsoever would understand what we're talking about. But I'm the same. I get to the end of the day and I'm like, I've not posted on my story at all today. I feel really good. And then I see someone else I know and they've posted loads of stuff and they've got loads of likes and they've got a cool new reel and oh my God, it's got 200 comments and I've posted nothing?
Wicked Wren [00:40:28] I know, I know, I know, I know it's bad, but I don't know. I do feel like I have, I think I'm at a place now where I don't care and I'm only posting things that I like and want to do.
Miss Marilyn [00:40:43] That's good. I'm so happy for you.
Wicked Wren [00:40:44] Thank you so much. It's been a journey for me. It's been very therapeutic but I've also been like, I don't know, I just want to make stuff. So I'm going to start making things or doing photography and so doing all these other items. You know what?
Miss Marilyn [00:40:56] Yes.
Wicked Wren [00:40:57] Screw it, I'm going to do it.
Miss Marilyn [00:40:59] Yes, you should. What else are you going to do apart from photography?
Wicked Wren [00:41:01] I don't know. Oh, I don't know. I can't draw. I can't. It's just –.
Miss Marilyn [00:41:07] Everyone can draw. Everyone can.
Wicked Wren [00:41:08] Okay, stop. I knew you're going to say that. And this is what everyone in my life said to me. But I don't, I don't understand how to do it. It doesn't make sense. Like perspective? I can't see it. If something like that, like a profile, like the side... It just doesn't make like, I don't –.
Miss Marilyn [00:41:26] Oh, I can't.
Wicked Wren [00:41:28] I think you can.
Miss Marilyn [00:41:29] No, I can't. I can't. I'm telling you.
Wicked Wren [00:41:33] How do you paint then?
Miss Marilyn [00:41:34] I can paint. I can paint really well, but I can't draw.
Wicked Wren [00:41:38] I don't get the difference. I think that that might be the issue. I mean, I... They're still shapes, you have to color them in.
Miss Marilyn [00:41:47] Right. Okay. Yeah. Fair. I can't explain. I don't know what's going on.
Miss Marilyn [00:41:56] But yeah, no, I love that, though. Like, you want to do stuff and you want to make stuff, so that's what you're going to do. And I think that's very much what I'm about now as well, because I'm like, I no longer want to feed the machine. I'm sick of going online and seeing all the other stuff that people have made and feeling really bad about it. And also, I have a few really close friends who have just started (…) work in like the last few years. But it's a very different world now, starting (…) work. So like I said, it's mostly, well, it's not mostly. They do work in person, but obviously, they also need to be really cool on social media. So they're posting, like amazing photos of them in latex with, like, gimps and subs and they're posting photos of them at parties in London. And I'm like, I want that to be me. I'm so (…) jealous of these people.
Wicked Wren [00:42:52] Yeah, yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:42:53] I'm sick. But then I try and focus on the fact that I think my journey was better because –
Wicked Wren [00:43:02] I was going to say that.
Miss Marilyn [00:43:03] For years, there was not a thought in my head about how cool I was. When I was working in person, although I was posting on Twitter about availability and stuff, I just wasn't concerned with – obviously, I wanted to look nice for my clients, but I wasn't concerned with like curating an online presence or brand or anything like that.
Wicked Wren [00:43:26] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:43:27] And I just think, I just think my journey at the beginning must have been so much more enjoyable and not, not authentic, but, like just easier in a way. So I try and focus on that when I get really jealous of my friends that have kind of just started and are down, you know, having an absolute blast at the coolest parties with all the coolest people. I'm just like, It's okay. It's okay.
Wicked Wren [00:43:56] Yeah.
Wicked Wren [00:43:56] It's okay, right?
Wicked Wren [00:43:59] Right? Right? It's fine. Yeah, no, I agree with you fully. I think like because I came in during the social media time and it feels daunting. It feels brutal. Like it feels, like every day I am, like spinning plates and like, okay, there's Threads and there's Instagram, there's Twitter and there's TikTok, and it's like everything is going on and so I am envious of you, and I'm sure that your friends are also envious of your time coming in.
Miss Marilyn [00:44:30] Me? You're envious of me? Why?
Wicked Wren [00:44:31] Because you got to do it when it doesn't – you didn't have to worry about this little (…) brick, you know, in our pockets. And that's cool, you know? But, yeah. Hey, the grass is always greener. Ralph knows that.
Miss Marilyn [00:44:43] That is true. And this is what I've been trying, I've been trying to explain to myself multiple times. Because, you know, I'm seeing all these amazing, amazing (…) workers posting their content literally 24/7. Like they are constantly, all I see on my phone is them.
Wicked Wren [00:45:01] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:45:01] And I'm like, Wow. One, how are they doing it? Two, why can I not function like that? Like, what is wrong with my brain that I'm unable to, like, work that efficiently?
Wicked Wren [00:45:13] And I think it's more than one human. I think it's a lot of people.
Miss Marilyn [00:45:20] You started mumbling again.
Wicked Wren [00:45:22] Going back to my roots. You know, I think it's, I think, I think it's like people having teams, you know, maybe not everyone. Not everyone. Not everyone. Not everyone. But that's the thing that's kind of annoying to me. It's like...
Miss Marilyn [00:45:36] But some people that do post 24/7 don't have teams. It's just them.
Wicked Wren [00:45:41] I couldn't. I couldn't. I don't know. Maybe it's like, maybe it's like coming into it and being like, prepare for it. Like, this is what it is. Like this is the ecosystem that I'm entering. So it's like if you enter it, you're like, This is all I know. No, I don't know.
Miss Marilyn [00:45:58] I think, I think there was a, there have been a few girls in the last five years and they have came out and said, like, they made a conscious decision to commit to online (…) work for like three years. And I'm talking like all day, every day. They did nothing else and they've made bank and then they're out and they're back to life. But that's, that's like 24/7 everyday. And I've actually spoken to a girl who's done this and she like worked her butt off for three years. And don't get me wrong, it paid off, but for me. That's a lot of laughter with my friends that I've missed out on, a lot of good meals and coffees and dogs that I haven't met. Do you know if I've just, if I've just been in the house – for me personally that I couldn't do it. That my brain would just explode. Like I would be so depressed?
Wicked Wren [00:46:57] Yeah, I kind of feel the same way. It's like and if your, if everything you do is about content creation, once that's not there, you're kind of like, Okay, now what do I do? And I'm not saying that that's what's happening with this person, but for me it was like, like if I was doing that for three years, it's like, then how do you get going out and surfing or going out and like doing stuff back into your rotation because you've optimized all these aspects of your life. It's like, you know, it's why, like people after they retire usually take jobs. You know, it's like because they're just kind of bored. But you're very right.
Miss Marilyn [00:47:34] I think another thing worth, worth mentioning especially about, well, not actually about online (…) work or just (…) work in general. Because of the way that we live now and the way that we advertise ourselves, you all know, as well as I do, like, the more you're online, the more money you make. So you have no cap to how much you earn. So if you, if you take any time off, you're so hard on yourself because it's like, it is up to me. Like the, the earning potential for (…) work is insane.
Wicked Wren [00:48:08] Yes.
Miss Marilyn [00:48:09] Like, even though the market is really saturated, there are still ways to make loads and loads of money. But you need to be constant.
Wicked Wren [00:48:17] Yes.
Miss Marilyn [00:48:17] And the punishment, the like hatred you have for yourself when you take any time off, because there's no hourly wage, there's no sick pay. The only person that's responsible for how much you're making and how well your life is going financially is you.
Wicked Wren [00:48:34] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:48:35] And that just, I ended up hating myself because I was like, I want to make this amount of money. But then when I made that, that wasn't enough. I wanted to make more and more and more. When would it be enough? I don't think it would have ever been enough.
Wicked Wren [00:48:49] Yeah. Yeah. I think like having an out point or something like that or having like some kind of goals is so, so important with it, because if not, you'll go crazy. You know? Because I do that too.
Miss Marilyn [00:49:04] Oh, god. Yeah.
Wicked Wren [00:49:04] You know, it's like, I can't sit there online all day long. Like some days of the week, I'll sit online. For 15 hours a day and it's cool. But then I'll go in a week and I can't do anything. So it's like, I can't feel bad about that, you know, because –
Miss Marilyn [00:49:19] Especially, when you, especially, when you don't have a team. Like I've never had a team. I had a personal assistant for a bit, but I've never had a team. And I think when you are doing it, it's just all about finding the middle ground of like – because not only is it like the more you are online, the more money you make, but you need to be consistent.
Wicked Wren [00:49:37] Consistency is the number one thing.
Miss Marilyn [00:49:39] And I'm consistent with nothing. And no matter, no matter how – like even though I know, that consistency is key and that would be better for me financially than being online 24/7 for a week and then nothing for three days. I still could not manage it.
Wicked Wren [00:50:00] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:50:00] Like I could never get the balance right.
Wicked Wren [00:50:03] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:50:03] I just, I worried and was so horrible to myself because I was just like, Why is your brain not like everybody else's? Why can't I make, why can't I do it? I'm watching other people do it. Why can't I?
Wicked Wren [00:50:17] Yeah, but you're just a different person. You know?
Miss Marilyn [00:50:22] Yeah.
Wicked Wren [00:50:22] You're just different.
Miss Marilyn [00:50:24] Yeah, well, I, you know, I never made OF bank. I'm not like a (…) superstar. And that's okay. Like I said in the video. Like I said in the video, you know, like, that's okay. Like –
Wicked Wren [00:50:38] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:50:39] Alright. Okay. I'm not cool. That's okay. Like my friends still like me. That's fine.
Wicked Wren [00:50:44] Well, on that note. They like you, promise. And you are also one of the coolest people in the world. What do you have coming up? What are you excited about? What are you doing? Maybe what are you doing for dinner tonight? Or maybe what are you doing this week? Or maybe bigger? Anything coming up?
Miss Marilyn [00:51:06] Do you know what? I'm going to talk about something really simple. I am, I've been enjoying baking a lot.
Wicked Wren [00:51:13] I love that.
Miss Marilyn [00:51:14] And it's just so simple. And you know what, right? I, I've been enjoying baking and I've also been enjoying gardening.
Wicked Wren [00:51:24] Oh my god, I love it.
Miss Marilyn [00:51:25] And I hate myself for it. I don't, I don't want to be that guy. I did the garden, and I could not believe how much I enjoyed it. It's the most I've enjoyed anything for years.
Wicked Wren [00:51:34] I think it's a human thing. We want to do it and we want to get dirty.
Miss Marilyn [00:51:37] I want to punch myself in the face for it.
Wicked Wren [00:51:39] Don't, don't, don't.
Miss Marilyn [00:51:42] Because I'm like, these things you're enjoying. They're not cool. They're not cool. If you post a video of you gardening, nobody's going to like it.
Wicked Wren [00:51:51] No.
Miss Marilyn [00:51:52] Nobody's going to pay you for it. You're not (…) doing the garden. Out with your trowel.
Wicked Wren [00:51:57] Here's my question. Have you thought about gardening in latex? Because maybe that will...
Miss Marilyn [00:52:02] Oh my god.
Wicked Wren [00:52:05] Maybe, maybe that'll get it in the mainstream. You know what I mean?
Miss Marilyn [00:52:08] So, yeah, I am, I am just living the slow life at the moment.
Wicked Wren [00:52:14] I love it.
Miss Marilyn [00:52:16] I signed up to do a degree of forensic psychology. And which I will be starting in October, because I was very daunted to start studying again and very much kind of towards not the end. I've obviously still, I'm still doing (…) work to a degree, but like in the last kind of year or so, I was like, how am I, am I ever going to get out of (…) work? Like, I've been doing this for 11 years and it's the only thing I've done. My CV is looking very suspicious.
Wicked Wren [00:52:51] Explain this 12-year gap in your resume, please.
Miss Marilyn [00:52:55] Yes. I was sucking (…) on the internet and yeah. I'm just, I'm just living, so I'm waiting for my degree to go. I wanted to do it kind of like working with animals, but I didn't have the qualifications to get into any of the courses. And then I kind of thought, What else am I passionate about? So I'll be studying forensic psychology. I'm working with a few animal rescues and paintings and stuff. I've got a lot of paintings planned and yeah, I've just uhm, I will do some (…) paintings again soon to make myself some money. And obviously I've got, I've got two books coming up as well.
Wicked Wren [00:53:37] What are your books?
Miss Marilyn [00:53:38] So I've got the second installment of Rotten Apple. So obviously the first one was out in 2021. Second is going to be hopefully at the end of this year. And even writing wise, still (…), still loads of incest. Still loads of horrible (…) stuff. I've written a collection of kind of really weird, dark fairy tales.
Wicked Wren [00:54:03] Hmm.
Miss Marilyn [00:54:05] So releasing them as well. It's just like yourself what you said. Like, there's things I want to do and there's things I want to make, and I'm just desperately trying to break free from the chains of the content machine.
Wicked Wren [00:54:18] Well, these are chains that I believe in you. I know you're going to break them.
Miss Marilyn [00:54:22] Thank you. Thank you. I hope so.
Wicked Wren [00:54:24] Where can people find these books and paintings and things?
Miss Marilyn [00:54:27] Oh, well, I just, I'm mostly on Instagram, to be honest. I don't really use much else. I feel like I'm getting old, though.
Miss Marilyn [00:54:34] I don't want to use social media anymore. Do you know what I mean like? I would really (inaudible).
Wicked Wren [00:54:38] You're going to be on Facebook soon.
Miss Marilyn [00:54:42] Don't. I had to join Facebook the other day.
Wicked Wren [00:54:44] Of course, you did.
Miss Marilyn [00:54:47] It's just because the, there's a rescue and they were like, Oh, we have a chat on Facebook. And I was like, Oh, I'm not on Facebook. And they were like, Oh, well, could you join? And I was like ugh.
Wicked Wren [00:54:55] That's how it starts now. Now you've got Facebook Messenger.
Miss Marilyn [00:54:56] Yeah, I know.
Wicked Wren [00:54:58] They're going to be like, Oh, you need this Hotmail account too.
Miss Marilyn [00:55:01] Oh, my God.
Wicked Wren [00:55:02] Yeah. This is how it works. You're going to start calling people instead of texting them.
Miss Marilyn [00:55:08] Jeez. No, never. Never. Never. The dread that fills me when my phone rings.
Wicked Wren [00:55:13] I know, I know.
Miss Marilyn [00:55:16] So. Yeah, I'm just, um. I'm just allowing myself to be I think.
Wicked Wren [00:55:22] The slow life.
Miss Marilyn [00:55:24] And, yeah, I'm really, I'm really poor now, you know.
Wicked Wren [00:55:28] Right.
Miss Marilyn [00:55:29] But again, it's just, it's just another thing that's okay. Do you know like –
Wicked Wren [00:55:35] It is okay.
Miss Marilyn [00:55:35] I chased, I chased the dream. I chased the money for a long time and it just never came. And I was so angry about that for so long. And I saw people, you know, doing less that were making more money. And it just got to the point where I just had so much anger that I was just like, This isn't right. Like, I cannot live like this. You just need to let go.
Wicked Wren [00:55:58] Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:56:00] So I'm going to plant some rose bushes.
Wicked Wren [00:56:02] I love that.
Miss Marilyn [00:56:03] And bake more. Bake some more banana bread for my elderly neighbor and pet some cats that need some homes.
Wicked Wren [00:56:10] Honestly, it sounds like you're living the dream. It's incredible.
Miss Marilyn [00:56:15] I just, I very much – especially due to social media, I think the world's not very great.
Wicked Wren [00:56:25] Yeah. Yeah.
Miss Marilyn [00:56:26] The state of it. Especially, you know, there's a lot of hatred at the moment. And it seems to just be getting worse and worse. It's almost like time's gone backwards and it's honestly terrifying. And although, you know, (…) work for me has been a wonderful, wonderful job, I still feel very strongly about it. I will always advocate for (…) workers and stuff. And I just, I just really want to work hard on putting whatever kindness and softness into the world that I can, because I there's just really not enough going around right now.
Wicked Wren [00:57:08] Yeah. I agree with you. Well, on that note, I want to thank you for chatting with me. You're amazing.
Miss Marilyn [00:57:16] Thank you so much for having me. It's been so nice to actually chat to you finally.
Wicked Wren [00:57:20] I know. So cool. I learned a lot.
Miss Marilyn [00:57:24] Girl, you're so cool. We are so cool. Look at us.
Wicked Wren [00:57:29] Look at us. Well, look. Good luck on your gardening adventures and your banana bread. I can't wait to see pictures of it or not.
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